Health related New Years resolutions come and go and more often than not, they do not last long. A new diet, exercise routine, promise to quit an unhealthy habit are all amongst the most common resolutions. For healthy individuals it is difficult, but for those with an iliostony, ostomy, or a restricted diet, diabetic foot wound or any sort of chronic wound, it is even more difficult, however the rewards may be much greater.
The New Years Resolution “experts” warn that keeping your health and fitness goes reasonable and achievable to start and gradually increasing in the behaviors you want to repeat will lead to greater success. Shooting to high in the beginning will often lead to breaking the resolution and starting the cycle over again.
The obvious and perhaps most impactful health related resolution is to eat better. If you have diabetes, chronic wounds, or an ostomy you may already be on a limited diet. For most of us, there is always room for improvement. Whole Foods are the easiest and most sustainable way to eat smart. Processed foods have the potential for causing reactions. Look at the ingredients on your foods. If there are ingredients you can not pronounce, chances are they are created and not grown. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains, responsibly sourced meats and fish should all be the majority of your daily intake (but be sure to reward yourself with a healthy snack occasionally).
Read Diverticulitis: Challenging Name, Challenging Disease
Read: What to Expect Following a Pediatric Appendectomy
Read: After Colon Cancer Surgery: How To Live With an Ostomy
Make a commitment to MOVE MORE
Any activity with an ostomy, chronic or diabetic wound should be cleared by a doctor. Ostimates are often told not to lift anything heavy during the weeks after the surgery to reduce the chances of a hernia. Those with chronic or diabetic wounds can sometimes be limited with the amount of strain and pressure that can be applied to the effected areas. All of this being said, exercise is almost always encouraged.
Exercise can be broken down into four main categories: endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. Low impact exercise such as exercise bike, elliptical, and yoga are great and are known to ease medical related stress, improve digestion, and provide muscular strength, balance, and help sleep. Improved balance, flexibility, and agility can help prevent falls.
Read: Wounds & Exercise – The Healing Benefits of Activity
Read: Golfing with a Stoma and Outdoor Sports
Read: Snorkeling & Scuba Diving with an Ileostomy
Read: Wound Dressing & Ostomy Summer Sweat & Waterproofing Resources
Read: Keeping Them Moving: How Activity Benefits the Healing Patient
Read: Wound Care for Older Individuals – Protecting Mature Skin